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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6's Class Page. The Curriculum newsletter below contains all of the information on what the children will be learning this term.


Please ensure your child reads at least three times a week. Homework will continue to be set on a Wednesday and will be due in on the following Monday. It is very important children are also going on Doodle as part of their homework. 


Year 6 Booster Timetable (for targeted children)





Tuesday, 8.00am


Mr Welsh

Wednesday, 8.00am


Miss King

Thursday, 3:30pm – 4:15pm


Mrs Chabvuka



We feel that some children would benefit from extra sessions to ensure that they will leaves St. George’s Cathedral Primary School at the end of Year 6 at the Age Expected level. These groups may change throughout the year.


We assure you that staff are already working hard to ensure that your child reaches the expected level, but this additional time will enable our staff to work at areas which have been identified as in need of strengthening.

Whole School Science Investigation- Fun with Density.

Windrush Monument- As part of our work in English, we visited the Windrush Monument at Waterloo Station.

Geography Fieldwork- we went on a walk of the local area to collect data on pollution and traffic in the area.

DT- As Part of our 'Come dine with Me' DT topic. We made our Starters of which peppers were the main ingredient and the Mains of which chicken was the main ingredient.

Year 6 Girls Football.

Into Film Festival- Kensukeā€™s Kingdom

Whole School Science Investigation- We investigated Static Electricity and how the electricity was caused. We explored different materials that caused a reaction.

Centre of Cell- In a heartbeat workshop.

In RE we looked at the story of the Prodigal Son and considered what was meant by forgiveness. We created our own arms of forgiveness with examples of how we forgive.

Cycle Confident training

As part of our work on Poland in our Continent topic, we created art pieces using a technique called Wycinanki,a well known traditional folk art.

Whole School Science Investigation- Why soap works? We used pepper to represent the germs in the water and when we dipped our fingers in the soap, the pepper dispersed to the edge of the bowl. The soap reacted with the pepper to show how it fights germs.

Local Area project- As part of our Geography work on the local area we went on a walk and discussed what the site of the Imperial War museum was used for.
