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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Year 6

The Curriculum newsletter contains all of the information on what the children will be learning this term and our PE days are on a Monday and Thursday. 


Please ensure your child reads at least three times a week. Homework will continue to be set on a Wednesday and will be due in on the following Monday. It is very important children are also going on Bedrock and Mathletics as part of their homework. 

Ukulele Concert

As part of our work on financial education in Math's, we visited the Bank of England Museum.

Centre of the Cell Trip - The children really enjoyed themselves and learned a lot!

Mentivity- A fantastic day for Year 6 playing football even in the rain. The children showed great sportsmanship and positivity throughout the day.

LTA Tennis workshop

Fix-A Bike workshop run by Community Cycleworks.

In computing we have been exploring 3D modelling using the Tinkercad programme.

Whole School Science Investigation- Elephant toothpaste.

Sound out concert- Royal Festival Hall

We visited the choices and consequences workshop based around the very important topic of knife crime led by The Ben Kinsella Trust.

Romero Mass

The children had a fantastic time at the Natural History Museum taking part in the Lego Workshop. They used their knowledge of coding to programme and code their rover to investigate planet Mars.

Whole School Science Investigation- We looked at forces and building structures out of Spaghetti and Marshmallows. We had to consider how the force was transferred through each Spaghetti strand.

The children completed their Playgrounds as part of their DT topic. They adapted their structures and created landscapes.

In DT we have been planning playgrounds. We began building our structures for the playgrounds this week.

Whole School Science Investigation- We made cornflour slime and explored the non-Newtonian law. We explored how the material changed from a liquid to a solid when pressure was applied.

To end our topic in English on the Windrush child, we walked up to the Windrush monument at Waterloo. We discussed the monument and why the image was chosen. We have been so engaged in the book. We also did some work on the author Benjamin Zephaniah.

We attended a workshop for Year 6 to support transition Year 7 and moving on to Secondary School. We had talks, scenarios and practical activities held by TFL, the Police, London Fire Brigade, Ambulance service and talks on road safety.

Today was the final course of our menu...desert. The key ingredient included had to be pineapple, the groups served pineapple upside down cake, sunshine cake and pineapple snowman cake.

Continuing with our three course menu in DT this week, the next group creating their main course dishes of which had to include chicken. They served buttermilk chicken and hot sauce, Mexican southern fried chicken burger and chicken teriyaki.

DT- We are making a three course menu over this term in DT. The first group prepared and served a range of starters yesterday and they had to include peppers as the key ingredient.

Houses of Parliament trip- We were lucky enough to have a tour of the Houses of Parliament as part of our work in English and Guided reading. We learnt about laws and voting, the history of Parliament and were able to visit the House of Commons where the MPs and the Prime Minister discuss all of the topics going on in the world.

Ragged School Museum- As part of our topic work on the Victorians, we went on a fun trip where we took part in a real Victorian school lesson and saw a typical Victorian house.

Continuing this week with our science investigations, in group we investigated the relationship between the type of exercise and our heart beats per minute. We chose activities as a group and counted our pulse after each activity and when we rested. We presented our results on a range of graphs.

We have been reading the book the Princess blankets in English where we have written a range of pieces and created our own blankets and used figurative language to describe them.

This week we have been looking at the circulatory system and how the blood flows around our body. It pumps blood from the heart to the lungs to get oxygen and sends oxygenated blood thought the arteries to the rest of the body. We explored this process using plasticine.

Bikeability- Some of Year 6 have been taking part in cycling classes, looking at road safety, how to be safe on a bike and riding on roads.

We began singing sessions for the new school year today, playing different singing games and practising different skills.

It was lovely to see so many parents at the Year 6 welcome meeting. Thank you for attending. Secondary transfer meeting will be on the 22nd September.

Year 6 have had a great start to the term and have already been working hard producing some lovely pieces of work. Today we completed some art on Icelandic landscapes as part of out Continent work.
