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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

Get in touch


At St George's we welcome all parents to apply for a place. 

If you would like to enquire about a place for your child at our school please contact the school office or email us at

Open Mornings

Our open mornings, for all year groups, run every Tuesday from 9:30am - 10am. Places must be booked in advance via the school office email;

St George’s is proud to take children from all faiths and backgrounds. All families are welcome at STGCS!

You can find out more about the application process if you click the link below.

In Year Admissions

Depending on your circumstance you must apply using one of the routes below:

Transferring your child from one Southwark school to another Southwark school

If your child is currently attending a Southwark school and you plan to apply for a place at St George's, you must complete Southwark Council’s in year application form (pdf, 62kb). You must then return the completed in year application form directly to the school.

Making a new in year application to a Southwark school

If your child is currently not attending a Southwark school and you'd like to apply for an in year place at St George's, you must complete Southwark Council’s in year application form (pdf, 62kb).

You must then return the completed in year application form by email to Please do not return your application or supporting documents by post as we will not be able to accept these.


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements in the policy below.
