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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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RE News

Our pupils singing 'As I Kneel Before You' with the Archbishop.

Thank you to our wonderful parents and pupils for the beautiful flowers they brought in honour of Our Lady, this morning for May Procession. This morning we crowned a statue of Our Lady with a garland of flowers. It was a reverent and moving act of worship.

St. George's Day

Thank you to the pupils and their families for attending the memorial mass at St George's Cathedral in memory of our loved ones in heaven.

Thank you to the pupils and their families for their generous donations to our Harvest collection this year. The collection was donated to the Community Fridge at St George's Cathedral, which provides hot meals and food parcels for vulnerable members of our community.

Thank you to the children and their parents for participating in our daily decade of the Rosary during the month of Mary.

Thank you to Fr. Dermott for leading our beginning of school year mass.

Our Spiritual Life Committee attended the Diocese beginning of year mass.
