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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Welcome to our Reception Class page. This will be updated regularly with pictures of the activities the children participate in while in Reception to help their development.


In Reception class, we have daily carpet sessions for Phonics, English, Maths and Religious Education. We know the importance of becoming an independent learner therefore we have activities both in our inside and our outside classrooms to extend our learning and apply new skills independently. More information about our learning can be found in the Curriculum newsletter.


Reminders: Children will receive homework every Wednesday. This needs to be returned on Monday morning. Reading books and library books will be changed once a week on your child's reading day. Please sign your child's reading record after reading with them.

RE- Friends: In our RE sessions we have been learning about 'Friends'. We learned that Jesus had friends and that we need to love one another. We placed our named lolly sticks into a pot. We each chose a friend in our class to make a friendship bracelet for.

Maths: In our Maths sessions we have been exploring numbers to 20 and beyond. We explored ordering numbers to 20 and filling in missing numbers in a sequence. We have been developing our reasoning skills and explaining how we know which number is missing using our knowledge of number. We have revisited doubling numbers to 10 using different manipulatives.

Outside learning

Tennis taster session: We enjoyed learning tennis skills during a taster session. We learned how to work cooperatively by taking turns and passing the ball to one another with accuracy.

Summer 1- Around the world parent workshop. Today we invited our parents into class to read our new book 'Penny the penguin'. We enjoyed learning more about Antarctica. We will use this knowledge to make comparisons to the Continent Africa which we learned about at the beginning of the half term..

Library visit: We went on a trip to the Southwark Heritage Centre. We exploring together and enjoyed listening to stories being read to us.

Whole school Science investigation: We made elephant toothpaste and enjoyed watching the reaction when we mixed the ingredients together.

'All creatures great and small': We have been leanring about mini beast and dinosaurs. We have been learning about the past and what this means. We visited the 'Natural History Museum' to develop our understanding.

Spring 2: 'All creatures great and small'. We have been learning about minibeast to build on our prior learning of growth. We have been learning facts about dinosaurs and learning that they are from the past.

Growing parent workshop: We invited our parents into class to introduce our new focus book 'The tiny seed'. We enjoyed reading the story together and learning about the life cycle of a seed. We worked togetehr in class to explore the different activities focusing on growing and played together to develop our knowledge. Thank you to all of the parents who joined us! We had so much fun and it was great to see you having fun together.

Spring 2: 'What a wonderful world'. To start our new theme, we went on a trip to the Horniman museum. We visited the 'Butterfly house' and the 'aquarium'. We enjoyed seeing the mini beast and sea creatures and learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We will build on this knowledge throughout our theme.

Real superheroes: We continued to develop our understanding of Superheroes by exploring the jobs that people do in our community to help others. To start our new theme, we had a visit from the 'Teddy bears hospital' to develop our knowledge of how to keep ourselves safe and healthy. In our role play area, we have been looking after our sick teddy's and exploring the equipment used.

Spring 1: 'Not all superheroes wear capes'. We started our new theme by exploring Superheroes and their powers. We read the story Supertato and enjoyed hearing how he rescued the vegetables. To introduce our new story, we invited our parents in for a stay and play workshop where we completed different activities together.

Design and Technology- Making soup: As part of our topic, we have been learning about fruits and vegetables and discussing which fruits and vegetables we like to eat. We planned our soup using our knowledge of vegetables and then learned about how to cut safely using playdough. We enjoyed cutting different vegetables and adding them to the pot to make our own vegetable soup. It tasted delicious! We discussed whether we enjoyed eating it or not.

Judaism: This week we have been learning about Judaism. We explored the symbol of Judaism and learned about the story of 'Hanukkah'.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We have enjoyed preparing our Christmas Nativity and presenting it to our families this week.

Science museum trip: We had a lovely trip on Monday exploring the Science museum. We enjoyed 'The Garden', and 'The pattern pod'.

2D shapes: This week we have been focusing our learning around 2D shapes. We have been sorting shapes and talking about their properties.

Little Red: We have continued our learning about the 'Deep dark woods' by focusing our learning around the story 'Little Red'. We have been describing the characters in the story and retelling the key events. We have been applying our Phonic learning by writing simple phrases.

Patterns: We revisited our previous learning of making AB patterns and then extended our learning by making ABB patterns using different resources.

'The Gruffalo': We have been learning about the story 'The Gruffalo'. In our provision we have been exploring different activities to develop our skills.

Bonfire night: We learned about the history of bonfire night. We enjoyed using the IWB to make firework inspired artworks. We explored using the icons to choose different colours and to change the size of the fireworks.

Pumpkin soup: We read the story 'Pumpkin soup'. We have been discussing the changes that we can see around us and learning about the season Autumn.

Surrey Docks farm: We went to visit Surrey Docks farm as our first trip in Reception class. We enjoyed seeing the different animals and singing nursery rhymes that we have been learning as we walked around such as 'Old McDonald had a farm' and 'Five little ducks went swimming one day'.

This week we have been lots of fun exploring our new activities which develop different areas of our learning.

RE- 'Myself': In our RE sessions we have been learning about 'myself'. We have been learning about how God loves us and knows our name. We have enjoyed learning our friends names and making good friendships. We have been thinking about the word precious and what it means. We know that we are precious to God. We have been discussing who is precious to us.

Maths- patterns: This week in our Maths sessions, we have been learning about repeating patterns. Here are some of our activities...

Bikeability: This week, some of the children have been learning how to use balance bikes. We have been learning how to keep our balance and beginning to lift up our feet when moving. We looked a picture of the fist balance bikes session in 1816 and discussed how this was in the past. We have had lots of fun!!

Teddys birthday: Today we celebrated teddy's birthday. We made invitations to invite our own teddy's to school to help us celebrate. we enjoyed playing musical statues, decorating biscuits and making decorations.

We have enjoyed settling into Reception together. We have been learning each others names and making friends.

Our first day in Reception!! 2023-2024
