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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Welcome to Reception's Class Page. The Curriculum newsletter below contains all of the information on what the children will be learning this term.


In Reception class, we have daily carpet sessions for Phonics, English, Maths and Religious Education. We know the importance of becoming an independent learner therefore we have activities both in our inside and our outside classrooms to extend our learning and apply new skills independently. More information about our learning can be found in the Curriculum newsletter.


Reminders: Children will receive homework every Wednesday. This needs to be returned on Monday morning. Reading books and library books will be changed once a week on your child's reading day. Please sign your child's reading record after reading with them.


Our first library visit together: We enjoyed visiting the library and exploring the books they have there. We chose books and enjoyed reading them with our parents, friends and teachers.

PE- dance: This half term we are focusing on dance in our PE sessions. We enjoyed using rainbow streamers to learn a new dance which performed to one another. We enjoyed making different shapes and movements with the streamers.

RE- Local Church- community: As part of our new RE topic where we are learning about the Church and the 'Parish family', we visited St George's Cathedral and explored inside. We will discuss this further in our RE sessions to develop our understanding of this special place.

Spring 1: Week 1- We have had such a lovely start to 2025. We missed each other lots over the holidays and have enjoyed exploring our new activities together. This term we will be learning about 'People who help us'.

Spring 1 Science investigation: Exploring density. We named the different liquid and then explored what happens when we added each liquid to the cup. We enjoyed seeing the pattern that we made.

Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner 2024

Our third trip to the Unicorn theatre: Today we went to the Unicorn theatre to watch 'Huddle'. We laughed and smiled as we watched the adventures of the penguin.

Autumn 2: Our second trip this term was to the Horniman Museum. We visited three different but interesting workshops. We enjoyed the Artic Adventure, the butterfly house and the aquarium. Thank you to all the parents who joined us. We all had such a great day!!

Multi faiths week: Hinduism- This week we have enjoyed learning about the festival Diwali. Here are some of our activities.

Our first trip of the year was to the Science Museum. We enjoyed visiting the pattern pod. the garden and seeing lots of amazing things around the museum. Lots of people at the museum commented on how well behaved you are which made me so proud! Well done Reception!!!

Design and Technology: Junk modelling- We have enjoyed exploring our junk modelling area and learning new techniques to make models such as making a plan, choosing resources and exploring different joining techniques.

Art week- Making marks: During art week, we have been exploring different media to make marks. We have enjoyed different activities to encourage us to explore such as mark making to music, drawing big pictures outside with the chalk and making rubbings with crayons.

World mental health day: Today we wore yellow to school and explored our feelings. We enjoyed taking time to do mindfulness coulouring, playdough and a tap tap game.

Autumn 1: Week 5- Balance bike training. We have had a fantastic week learning how to cycle and how to keep ourselves safe.

Autumn 1: Whole School Science investigation: We discussed the importance of washing our hands. We then explored the importance of soap through our investigation. We enjoyed watching the pepper move as we put our finger with soap into the mixture.

Our first day in Reception: Making memories together and making friendships.
