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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Year 3

The Curriculum newsletter contains all of the information on what the children will be learning this term and our PE day is on a Wednesday and our Swimming day is on a Monday


Please ensure your child reads at least three times a week. Homework will continue to be set on a Wednesday and will be due in on the following Monday. It is very important children are also using Mathletics as part of their homework. 

New Vocabulary

In Guided Reading we are focusing on learning, sorting and using new, ambitious vocabulary. 

The Tennis Workshop - We learnt new ball skills related to tennis

Our visit to London Central Mosque for our our studies in Multi-faiths

This week Year 3 started their unit on Pentecost, in RE. As a class they discussed what Pentecost is and the glorious mysteries surrounding it.

Learning about parts of a plant in Science

Whole School Investigation

Whole School Investigation - Using Corn flour, water and food dye, we experimented to make a non-Newtonian liquid - which means it is different to ‘normal’ liquids. It gets thicker when it is pushed or pressed down. 

Jewish Learning Workshop

We had Leonard, an Orthodox Jewish person to teach us all the different parts inside a Synagogue and the significance of each. Great class discussions were had and many amazing questions asked.

This week in Science we have been learning about, classifying and sorting igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

This week we had fun doing our whole school investigation on making a rainbow through adhesion and cohesion.

This week we started our big fantasy narrative writing based on our English text 'Our Tower'.

This week we continued our work on cross stitch in DT and discussed holy traits in RE.

Year 3 had a very exciting week. Continents work is over (for now) and we have began all our subjects, officially! We did some hands on learning about 'more or less' in Maths and learnt lots of new adjectives in English!

We have had a fun, busy week learning about Mexico in our continents unit! We have had lots of students getting the 'Star of the Day' award so keep up the good behaviour year 3!

Our Classroom (so far)
