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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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The Governors and staff of St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School are fully committed to safeguarding all of the children who belong to the school community. The school recognises its legal and moral duty to promote the well-being of children, protect them from harm and respond to child abuse.

Parents and carers expect the school to provide a safe, secure and caring environment in which their children can flourish. To meet this expectation, the school implements a wide range of measures and policies, including the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection policy and Health & Safety policy. 


To meet this expectation, the school implements a wide range of measures and policies, these include:


  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Attendance Policy
  • Behaviour and Discipline Policy
  • Administration of Medication Policy
  • Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy
  • Data Protection
  • Health and Safety
  • SEND Policy
  • E-Safety Policy
  • RSE Policy


Deputy Head Teacher (Designated Safeguarding Lead) - Lloyd Welsh

Head Teacher (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) - Louise Grabowski
Assistant Head Teacher (Designated Safeguarding Lead) - Gemma King


The Safeguarding Governor is C Bryan.

Click below to read our Safeguarding Policy
