Home Reading
Early Years Home Reading
It is important that your child reads regularly at home, they may be confident readers however it is also important they have a good understanding and interpretation of what they have read.
Here are some question prompts that you can ask your child when reading they are reading at home.
- Can you show me the front cover?
- What can you see on the front cover?
- What might this book be about?
- Can you point to the title?
- What is happening on this page?
- What might happen at the end of the story?
- Who was your favourite character?
- What was your favourite part of the story?
- Did you like this book? Why?
KS1 Home Reading
It is important that your child reads regularly at home, they may be confident readers however it is also important they have a good understanding of what they have read.
Here are some question prompts that you can ask your child when reading with them at home.
- What do you think this book will be about? Why?
- How do you think that this will end?
- What might... say about that?
- What do you think this book will be about? Why?
- How do you think that this will end?
- Who do you think has done it?
- What might... say about that?
- What happens in the beginning of the story?
- How/where does the story start?
- Who is/are the main character(s)?
- When/where is this story set?
- Which is your favourite/worst/ funniest/scariest part of the story? Why?
- Tell me three facts you have learnt from the text.
KS2 Home Reading
It is important that your child reads regularly at home, they may be confident readers however it is also important they have a good understanding and interpretation of what they have read.
Here are some question prompts that you can ask your child when reading they are reading at home.
- Find some words or phrases that describe the setting in the text.
- Find three words to describe the main character.
- Who are the key characters in the book?
- What are the key events in the story?
- What was your favourite part of the story? Why?
- How does the author make you want to continue reading the story?
- What impressions do you get of the feelings of the characters in the text?
- What other stories have you read by this author?
- What do you think will happen next? Why?
- How do you think the story will end?
- What information have you found out from the text?
- How does the front cover tell you what the book will be about?