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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Welcome to Our Lady Nursery class. On this page, you will find pictures and videos of what we have been doing since the start of term.


This term we will be focusing on the different subjects which are detailed in the Curriculum newsletter. Each subject will be taught during a carpet session and activities set in the classroom and in the outdoor area are linked to their learning.


Our aim is for children to develop their social skills, interacting and connecting with each other as well as with the outer world. Curiosity will be developed towards the environment and its natural elements in order to learn to take care and respect our world. Most importantly, children will be learning essential values such as sharing and taking turns, considering others and learning to forgive and say sorry.


Reminders: Children will receive homework every Wednesday. This needs to be returned on Monday morning. Reading books and library books will be changed once a week on your child's reading day. Please sign your child's reading record after reading with them.

Local Area Week: We enjoyed talking about where we live and sharing our personal experiences with the class.

We have enjoyed playing at the junk modelling area using resources to create our own models. Have a look at our lovely designs!

PE: This week we have been practicing passing a tennis ball to each other and enjoyed playing musical statues together.

Exploring and playing outdoors

In our RE lessons, we have been learning about the good news of Pentecost. We talked about how Jesus left us with a new friend, the holy spirit. Children enjoyed learning how the holy spirit is everywhere and how despite not being able to see him we can feel him in the air. We enjoyed exploring how the wind helps our rainbow catchers and windmills move, just like the holy spirit helps us.

Crescent Literary Session: Parents enjoyed coming in and reading together ‘Little Penguin Learns to Swim’ from our theme ‘Around the World’. We enjoyed learning about the animals living in Antarctica and linked it to our learning by exploring penguins at the zoo. Have a loo a the lovely activities we did together!

Parent Workshop: Parents enjoyed coming in for a crescent literacy session. We enjoyed reading together the story 'Dear Zoo' and engaging in different activities in the setting.

St George's Day: Today we enjoyed learning about St George and his bravery. At the creative area, we created dragons to remember him, have a look at our work!

Summer 1: We began this term by focusing our learning on our theme 'All creatures big and small'. We have been reading the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and learning how not only baby chicks come from eggs but also caterpillars. We enjoyed learning about caterpillars and how they turn into a butterfly. Have a look at the lovely work we have been doing!

Our theme this term is 'What a Wonderful World'. Our focus books are 'Noisy Farm' and 'Little Red Hen'. We have enjoyed having parents in for a crescent literacy session where we enjoyed reading our story together and exploring the different activities focusing on growing.

To continue our learning on 'people who help us'. Today we talked about how not all superheroes wear capes and shared our ideas on what real life superheroes we might know. We enjoyed reading the story 'Flashing Fire Engines' and having parents for stay and play. Have a look at the lovely activities we did about firefighters!

To start our new topic, 'people who help us', we have started by reading the story 'Super Daisy' to introduce how not all super heroes wear capes. Children enjoyed talking about their favourite superheroes and creating their own in different ways.

Continent Focus: Antarctica. We have enjoyed exploring the colours of the Earth and talking about the cold weather in Antarctica..

Christmas Whole School Project

Celebrating the joy of Christmas decorating our picture frames and tree ornaments to take home.

Judaism Week: We have enjoyed learning about Hanukah and creating our Menorah at the creative area.

Design and Technology- Making soup on Christmas Jumper Day.

We enjoyed going on a trip to our local park to collect some Autumn leaves. It was fun to sing 'Leaves are Falling' with the collected leaves and playing at the playground with our peers. We then enjoyed print painting with the leaves and creating forest animals with leaves at our creative area.

In phonics, we have been learning about instrumental sounds. Children have enjoyed making instruments at home and bringing them into school for our show and tell.

RE: We have been learning that God welcomes us into his family through baptism and we enjoyed baptising our class baby at the outdoor area

We have enjoyed retelling our story 'Peace at Last' and talking about the sounds of the story. Have a look at the lovely marks we made about the story!

In maths, we have been learning about the different patterns around us. We explored different animal patterns and enjoyed creating our animal patterns with unifix.

In RE we have been learning about the importance of our names. We know that we are special and unique and that Jesus knows our name.

Still image for this video

Today we had a teddy bear birthday party to celebrate Ruby the rabbit's birthday. The children had a great time crafting various items from the party list for today's celebration. Take a look at the photographs to join in the excitement, and don't forget to check out the lovely party biscuits we made together to take home!

It's going to be Ruby's birthday. In Maths, we helped our teddies and set the table for 3 counting 3 of each set for Ruby's friends.

In phonics we are focusing on the environmental sounds. We made rabbit ears and talked about being good listeners. We enjoyed wearing our rabbit ears and going on a listening walk outdoors.!

Welcome to Our Lady Class! The children have settled in very well at school and are really enjoying exploring the various areas in our setting. It's been a fantastic start to Nursery and we invite you to take a look at some of our photographs!
