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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Year 1

The Curriculum Newsletter contains all of the information about what the children will be learning this term.


Please ensure that your child reads at least three times a week at home and that you sign their reading record each time. Homework will continue to be set on a Wednesday and will be due in on the following Monday.


PE kits should be brought in on Mondays and will be taken home again on Fridays. 

British Museum Trip - Year 1 and 2 had a fantastic learning experience at the British Museum.

PE - Tennis workshop

We had lots of fun at the Museum of London Docklands!

PE - we have been taking part in the whole school mini-marathon!

Today we visited our local library with Reception class.

Whole School Science Investigation

English - This week we have been reading 'The Easter Story' by Brian Wildsmith. Today the children worked in groups to create freeze frames based on scenes from the text.

English - For reading week, we have been reading different stories from around the world and learning about different authors. Today we learnt about Jill Murph and read some of her books before voting on which one was our favourite.

We had lots of fun today at our PE workshop at the Damilola Taylor Centre!

In DT, we have been learning about 3D sculptures. Today we made our own 3D sculptures based on spiders!

Judaism Workshop: The children enjoyed our Judaism Workshop and learnt about key stories including Abraham's family.

In English, we created our own aliens to be Beegu's friend.

In PSHE, we have been talking about how our feelings impact our actions. The children matched the emotions and actions and discussed how they link together.

In Maths, we ordered numbers to 50 from smallest to biggest.

In English, we have been studying 'Leo and the Octopus' by Isabelle Marinov and Chris Nixon. We then wrote a report based on octopuses.

In RE, we have been learning about important Bible stories linking to Advent including the Visitation. In pairs, the children role played Mary and Elizabeth greeting each other.

In Guided Reading, we had lots of fun making sounds using different materials linking to the key vocabulary in the poem.

Maths - we had lots of fun learning about direction and postion by moving the car around the mat!

Look at our great half term projects!

Whole school investigation - we had lots of fun making a rainbow!

RE - In our lesson we discussed how it might feel to start somewhere new. As a class, we discussed and role played how we could make a new child feel more welcomed in our class and in our school.

RE - This week we focused on what groups we might belong to and how it makes us feel. The children designed a badge based on the groups that they belong to.

Bike Balance - The children had lots of fun learning how to balance on a bike whilst playing games!

Role Play - In English, we have been reading 'Flooded' by Mariajo Ilustrajo. We role played how we would move through the water.

Whole School Science Investigation - We had lots of fun today conducting an investigation!

Historical Timeline - As a class, we created a human timeline based on key historical events for Papua New Guinea.

Continuous Provision Activities - We have had lots of fun learning this week!

Haka - This week we have been learning about New Zealand. We have learnt about the importance of Maori history and culture, and how it has impacted New Zealand. We also learnt about and performed the Haka.
