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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Year 2

The Curriculum Newsletter contains lots of information about what the children will be learning this term. Our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday.


Please ensure that your child reads at least three times a week and that you signed their reading records each time. Homework will continue to be set on a Wednesday and will be due in on the following Monday. It is very important that children complete their weekly Mathletics activities as part of their homework.


British Museum Trip - Year 2 (along with Year 1) had a fantastic learning experience at the British Museum.

In computing year 2 have been looking at digital music. We considered pulse and rhythm before using instruments and then we experimented using chrome music lab.

Whole School Science Investigation- Elephant toothpaste.

As part of our warm up for PE Yr 2 used balloons to work on their co-ordination and flexibility.

Whole School Science Investigation- We looked at forces and building structures out of Spaghetti and Marshmallows. We had to consider how the force was transferred through each Spaghetti strand.

We have been exploring using clay in art this week.

As part of our gaeography work, we were using maps and compasses to find our way around the park.

Father Dermott came into class to discuss this weeks Gospel.

Whole School Science Investigation- We made cornflour slime and explored the non-Newtonian law. We explored how the material changed from a liquid to a solid when pressure was applied.

We have been having discussion around materials in Science. We did some reasoning to prove if all solid objects can bend, twist or stretch.

In Computing we have been looking at taking photographs. We have though about whether it is best to take a photograph in portrait or landscape and how to ensure the object is in the centre of the picture. Which of these pictures do you think is the best? Why?

In Science we have been looking at life cycles of different animals.

In Computing we have been looking at Information Technology around us. We discussed the use of printers, scanners and barcodes in the workplace. We have also been developing our typing skills using 'Dance Mat Typing'.

Year 2 have been doing some lovely writing making posters advertising London.

This week we have had some lovely discussions in RE about the Creation story, we created some pictures based on the story.

It has been lovely being back with Yr 2. We have already been very busy finding out about our new continent for this year - South America! This week we have used globes and atlas’ to locate and find out information about Venezuela. We also learnt a traditional dance from Venezuela – the Juropo.
