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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Year 5


will continue to be set on a Wednesday and will be due in on the following Monday. 

It is very important children are also going on Bedrock and Mathletics as part of their homework.


Reading Records

Our reading records will be checked and the books will be changed on Monday. Please ensure your child reads at least three times a week.

Science Masterclass at St. Michael's

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their art lesson this week, observational art looking at the architecture in the local area.

Year 5 had a workshop on The Tudor period conducted in class where they learnt a little more about some of the portraits created in this time and how monarchs would pose to show their authority.

Year 5 went to visit the Tower of London and had a lesson on life as a privateer or a pirate. Later on, the class had the chance to explore the area including the crown jewels exhibit.

Year 5 were given the chance to have a tennis taste this Monday. Great hand eye coordination from those who took part.

Year 5 took a trip to the Gurdwara in central London to deepen their understanding of Sikhism.

Community cycle team came in to show year 5 how to repair their bikes including checking the chain and wheel pressure.

Science in action with year 5 creating parachutes from tissue to investigate air resistance

Year 5 are continuing science by investigating friction from different materials, the transformative energy we have in RE and understanding bravery on St George's Day

Sound out concert- Royal Festival Hall.

This week year 5 took a trip to The British Museum to learn about the world in 900AD. Coins and various materials were analysed to determine where in the world they came from.

World Book Day arrived for Year 5 with a wondrous array of costumes and activities throughout the day including reading with the Year 2 children.

African Stories Workshop

Spaghetti and marshmallows were the building equipment challenge for this science investigation

As part of the whole school science investigation, year 5 used cornflour and water to create slime and record their observations on the process.

Year 5 took part in a Christmas drama workshop based on retelling the Christmas carol story. Collectively, the class were engaged and made some very creative acting choices.

This week in Science, year 5 have been selecting materials which make good conductors. A simple circuit has been constructed for testing.

This week in Science, year 5 has been conducting experiments to find the best material for keeping tea warm.

Year 5 have produced a number of special projects over the half term to celebrate Black History month.

A visit to St George's Cathedral. Year 5 met with Father Dermot for a tour of the cathedral to gain a deeper understanding of church life. The children asked a number of excellent questions and were all wonderfully engaged throughout the tour.

Students from Notre Dame secondary school came to give year 5 a wonderful demonstration of the appliance of science. The children got hands on experience on how to prevent balloons from popping and the science behind the concept.

Bikeability- Some of Year 5 have been taking part in cycling classes, looking at road safety, how to be safe on a bike and riding on roads.

In RE, the children created paper figurines to remind us that we are created in God's image and should reflect His values in all our work.

We began singing sessions for the new school year today, playing different singing games and practising different skills.

Year 5 have had a wonderfully warm return to school! This week we have been learning about Morocco and, among other lessons, have learnt about different dances such as the Sword dance but practiced safely with pencils!
