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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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At St George’s we teach RE through the programme of Come and See, is based on the theological foundations of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Catechism and the revised RE Curriculum Directory.



The following strategies and aims underpin the effective delivery of religious education in our school by;

  • deepening of knowledge, and understanding of key theological ideas and their application to life.
  • skills in cross-curricular studies to deepen their understanding of religious truths and think creatively.
  • attitudes and dispositions so that children are instilled with a love of learning and a desire to go on learning.
  • enable them to think critically about their own questions of meaning and purpose.
  • community and an awareness of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.



As a Catholic School RE is a core subject and is taught 10% of the weekly timetable.  It is taught as 4 week blocks, through 9 topics and 2 multi faith topics.  Religious Education is taught through the process of Explore, Reveal, Respond. This follows the pattern of: the human search for meaning, God’s initiative in Revelation and the response in faith. This pattern is outlined both in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and in the Curriculum Directory.



The impact of Religious Education is monitored throughout the year by SLT through;

  • Each teacher keeps a class record of assessed work and records of pupils’ progress.
  • Moderation of pupils’ books
  • Monitoring of teaching and learning
  • Progress and achievement in Religious Education is reported to parents/carers in a written report at the end of each academic year.
  • Progress and achievement in Religious Education is reported to Governors