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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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Our Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ Page

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Governor Vacancies


Who Are the Governors?

The Governing Body is made up of representatives from the school staff, the Local Authority, parents and “foundation governors” for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. The parent governors are elected by other parents and carers, i.e. you. The Governing Body is established by law; its actions and decisions lie with the whole governing body and not with individual members.


What do the Governors Do?

The Governing Body works with the Executive and Consultant Heads and the Leadership Team to ensure that your children get a good education. Governing Body’s duties include:


  • setting plans and policies for St George’s Primary School
  • approving its budget and reviewing its financial progress
  • challenging and supporting senior staff to improve the school
  • helping to appoint new members of staff


St George’s Governing Body makes its decisions on the advice of its committees, the local authority and the diocese. It is accountable for:


  • the use of public funds
  • the quality of education provided by St George’s Primary School
  • the wider contribution to the local and faith communities


The full Governing Body meets about 4 times each year and the committees that support it usually meet twice a term. The governors’ roles are therefore important but governors are unpaid for their time and services.


How do Governors Help the School?

St George’s Primary School Governing Body aims to work together with the school’s staff and parents and carers closely by:


  • acting as a critical friend to the school
  • ensuring accountability
  • promoting high standards of education and achievement
  • setting the school’s aims and supporting its Catholic ethos


The Governors Would Like to Meet You

The governors wish to make themselves better known to parents and carers. Please look out for them at the school and its events.


To be announced: Chair of St George’s Cathedral Catholic Primary School Governing Body

Helen Ogunmuyiwa: Vice Chair

Contact to be announced: Foundation Governor

