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St George's Cathedral Catholic Primary School

To live and learn together through our faith in Jesus Christ

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British Values

Through our PSHE sessions we enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence as well as encourage them to respect each other and other’s opinions.


In our lessons we provoke the thinking of right and wrong, taking responsibility, how we contribute to society and being tolerant of each other and our cultural traditions. RE and PSHE are often taught through philosophy, where children can openly discuss and articulate their thoughts on various issues. We actively promote tolerance and understanding of different cultures and faiths.


Our school council:

  • is made up of democratically elected pupils from each class
  • is led by Year 6 Heads of School who have written speeches and are voted for by a ballot
  • makes a visit to Parliament
  • meets with the Headteacher to discuss pupil voice
  • is encouraged to discuss items on an agenda with their classmates to take back to other meetings
